Environmental study

Conducted between spring 2020 and 2022, the environmental study analyses the sensitivity of the flora and fauna on the project’s site. More than a mere observation, this study lists the site’s main types of natural sensitivity with a view to subsequently defining a project having less impact on nature by taking Avoidance, Mitigation and Offsetting measures*.

The initial stage consists in studying the project’s environmental context through an inventory of existing conservation and natural heritage zones in the more or less immediate vicinity of the project. When these main types of sensitivity have been identified, the second stage endeavours to draw up the site’s specific ecological diagnosis for each theme concerned: flora and natural habitat, terrestrial fauna, avifauna and bats. The third stage consists in analysing siting and presentation variants for the selected project.

What approach to adopt?

The impacts of wind farms vary according to the characteristics of each project, the species in question, the natural and human environments in which birds and bats live, or even existing infrastructure assets in the vicinity.

Such impacts are generally significant during the construction work, then moderate during the service life of wind turbines and their dismantling.

For each wind project, an impact assessment analyses these potential effects with regard to the distinctive characteristics of the species on or near the envisaged site (behaviour, moving and feeding habits, number of individuals, types of habitat), in order to determine the potential impacts.

Avifauna studies identify all the species, their activities and the route of their migratory path. Their findings help determine to best advantage the siting of wind turbines in relation to one another. This therefore avoids siting wind turbines on sites recognized as sensitive. Environmental monitoring is also put in place during the first three years of operation of the wind farm then every 10 years thereafter.

To adapt the wind project to best advantage and as soon as possible, and in accordance with the public policy of Avoidance, Mitigation and Offsetting measures, the assessment of potential impacts defines measures aimed at:

  • Avoiding the impacts: through the choice of site, the location of the wind turbines and work zones, due observance of periods of concern for biodiversity vis-à-vis the dates of the works, etc.;
  • Mitigating the impacts: modifying the spacing between wind turbines and their position in relation to hedges and forest plantations, adapting their operation with regard to environmental concerns, positioning the wind turbines to avoid obstructing the movements of species, reconnecting hedge systems;
  • Offsetting any significant residual impacts, which must remain exceptional; creating or restoring areas of ecological interest, for instance.


The findings

The initial survey by design office Synergis has identified the species of flora and fauna in and around the area and their activity. Particular attention is being paid to flying fauna.

The main findings will be presented when the initial survey has been finalized.